
Panel (“We Are Panel”) is an independent curatorial practice led by Catriona Duffy and Lucy McEachan. Based in Glasgow, Panel promotes design in relation to particular histories, archives and collections through exhibitions, events and cultural projects.

We Are Panel C.I.C is a not for profit organisation and a community interest company, registered in Scotland and under the company number SC375084. We receive regular funding from Creative Scotland.

Panel understands how important the security of your personal data is. We are committed to storing and processing your personal data safely and being transparent about all our privacy practices.

• will only use your data (e-mail address) to let you know about our programme • will not give or sell your data to any other organisation

Panel Privacy Notice

This privacy notice explains how and why we collect, manage, protect and use personal data. It tells you what our lawful bases are for processing this data, which justify why and how we collect the data. It also explains how we’ll store and handle that data, and keep it safe. Personal data is held and processed by Panel in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

This document is available directly from our website, or via links at the bottom of our e-mails and e-newsletters. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at We’re happy to talk through our data protection policies and procedures and what they mean for you.

How we process your data

We process and store personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interests and we do so on the basis of your consent.

If you subscribe to our mailing list, we may ask you for: your name and email address.

We use your data (by which we mean your name and e-mail address) to let you know about our programme of exhibitions, projects and events, including exhibition dates, how to book for ticketed events and more.

It is important to us that we retain the trust and confidence of everyone with whom we are in contact. We promise never to sell or pass on your personal data and to use it only to keep you informed about our programme of projects, events and exhibitions.

How we use your data

We hold your name, and e-mail address in order to send information about our programme, as well as other general information.

– Mailing Lists

Our e-mail subscribers list is used to send newsletters, event invitations, and occasional other pieces of important information. We will send no more than 15 pieces of correspondence in any one year.

We use Mailchimp to run our mailing list and to deliver our newsletters. We collect some standard information about this function, such as how many recipients open the e-mails, and whether the links in the newsletter are clicked on. You can read Mailchimp’s Privacy Policy here.

If you would prefer, however, that we do not contact you, you can unsubscribe from our e-mail list easily and at any time by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link in any e-mail. This will automatically remove your contact details from the list and prevent us from re-adding your e-mail address in the future.

– Website and online shop
We use Google Analytics (GA) to monitor our website, recording standard information about visitor use and patterns. We do this so that we know how many people are using it, what bits are used most and how it links to other things to help make sure our website remains user-friendly, effective and appropriate. The information gleaned via GA is collated for use in, for example, annual reports, but is only ever used anonymously. It does not identify individuals.

If you order online from our shop, we will ask you for: your name, address and email address. All shop orders online are processed via PayPal and you can see their Privacy Policy here. Your details are stored in a secure and password- protected website and we do not see or store any of your credit card or bank details.

The legal basis for collecting this data is for contractual obligations, for example we need to know your address so we know where to post your order.

We use your personal data to process your order. We may need to get in touch with you about your order and/or post your order out to you. We only use this information to process your shop order.

– Events Booking and Attendance
When you book tickets for any of our events we use Eventbrite, which collects your name, e-mail address and any other details we need to process your booking. We will also use it to contact you via Eventbrite regarding your booking. We may also contact you to undertake post-event evaluation.

This information is never shared with any other companies.

Please note that Eventbrite is a third-party service that is not owned or managed by Panel. You can read Eventbrite’s Privacy Policy here.

If you would like to attend one of our events but do not want to use Eventbrite to book, please contact us by emailing

Any specific contact details for individual events are provided on the event booking page.

At the time of booking, you can choose whether to have your personal information added to our mailing list or not.

We use the data we collect to help collate reports, including to funders like Creative Scotland, but the data is used anonymously. Sharing this information helps us to understand our work and measure our achievements.

If you attend an event, we may take photographs. When we are taking photographs for potential use in promotional materials in which you can be identified, we will do this only with your permission and you are under no obligation to provide this.

At the end of an event, we may ask you to complete an anonymous Equal Opportunities Monitoring and Feedback Form. You are under no obligation to

complete this. The information we ask for includes: your age, postcode, event attended, event feedback, gender identity, sexuality, information on health conditions or disabilities, ethnicity, and religious identity. This information is provided and processed anonymously.

How we protect your personal data

Your data is treated confidentially and we will not share it with any third parties.

We look after your data with the utmost care and ensure that your privacy is respected at all times in line with our policies and procedures. We treat all information that you provide as confidential, and your data is stored securely on password-protected hard drives and computers.

We store photographs securely on password-protected hard drives and computers, and only use photographs (if they show identifiable persons) in promotional material where permissions have been provided.

We store Equal Opportunities and Monitoring data securely and anonymously.

How long we keep your personal data

We will retain this information for as long as you are happy for us to keep it. You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

The Equal Opportunities and Feedback information is provided, stored and processed anonymously, and forms a key element in how we develop as an organisation in line with our Strategic Plan, our Vision and our Core Values. We retain this data for our own records, reflection, development and reporting.

Your rights over your personal data

Panel respects your rights over your personal data. You may exercise these rights by emailing: Please note that they are all subject to our legal obligations and our work in the public interest as a cultural organisation.

You have the right to:

  • Request access to the personal data we hold about you.

  • Request copies of the personal data we hold about you in order to transmit this information to another service provider.

  • Request the correction of your personal data when incorrect, out of date or incomplete.

  • Withdraw your consent from any consent-based processing of your personal data.

  • Object to any processing of your personal data that has its basis in legitimate interest.

  • Challenge the accuracy or lawful basis of the processing of your data and request a temporary restriction of this processing.

  • Request the deletion of all the personal data that we hold about you and an end to the processing of this data. Please note that we may be required to store some of your personal data after this request to comply with our legal obligations.

    To act on any of these rights, please contact Panel at or in writing to: Panel, 32 Washington Street, Glasgow, G3 8AZ.

    To protect the confidentiality of your information, we will ask you to verify your identity before proceeding with any request you make under this Privacy Policy.